International Buyers Agent in TURKEY

Please let us know what type of machinery you plan to purchase from Turkey, and we’ll take care of the rest.

We will reach out to all manufacturers and get back to you as soon as possible. We will provide the names of reliable manufacturers, machine models that meets your requirements and their respective prices.


If you have already decided on the specific brand name and/or model, the process will be even faster. In this case we will simply provide a better quotation for the very same product using our connections to the manufacturers.

Our company is active in International trade since 1991 and helped dozens of companies around the globe with their machining needs.

Even though we act as an intermediary export company, our quotations are lower than the manufacturers' standard export price list most of the time. We purchase products as a domestic entity and eliminate all potential price hikes.

If you wish we can organize delivery to your door on CIF terms. Feel free to contact us anytime you want and you will see instant benefits of working with a trusted intermediary.


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